Corporate Investment

Investment services offered by the Bank’s subsidiaries to institution clients include

Stock Brokerage

Private Fund
TISCO Private Fund is a tailor-made package of investments. Our private fund management service will help you achieve your desired financial goals by integrating all of your unique needs and intentions into a total investment package. The special service is available for an incorporated with an initial investment of over 100 million Baht.

Mutual Fund

Provident Fund
With over three decades as one of the leader in provident fund business, TISCO has been highly entrusted by 1,576 institutional clients, the highest numbers of employers in the industry. We have the largest pooled funds for provident fund in Thailand. Our experienced teams are here to provide fund management service for provident fund with objective to maximize return on their retirement plan assets under our strict governance policies.
For organizations that want to use the service. Please contact us for more details below.
- Telephone : 0 2633 6000 / 0 2808 6000