Distinction & Awards(2013-2018)
2013 - 2018

Most Active Bank in Corporate Bond Secondary Market
TISCO Bank received “Most Active Bank in Corporate Bond Secondary Market” award from ThaiBMA Best Bond Awards 2017 organized by the Thai Bond Market Association (ThaiBMA) in recognition of its active market making role in corporate bond secondary market with the highest number of corporate bond transaction in 2017.

Renewable Energy Deal of the Year, Thailand
TISCO Bank received “Renewable Energy Deal of the Year, Thailand” from The Asset Triple A Asia Infrastructure Awards 2017 from the Asset Magazine in recognition of its outstanding achievement as the mandated lead arranger for BCPG Public Company Limited (BCPG) US$273 million structured finance.

Best Acquisition Financing, Thailand
TISCO Bank received “Best Acquisition Financing, Thailand” from The Asset Triple A Country Awards 2017 from the Asset Magazine in recognition of its outstanding achievement as financial advisor for BCPG Public Company Limited (BCPG) US$300 million acquisition financing.
The Outstanding Call Center Award 2017
Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI)
Excellent CG Scoring
Certificate of Sustainability Report Competition Enrollment 2017
Outstanding Deal of the Year Awards
Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI)
Certificate of Recoginition
TISCO Financial Group received “Certificate of Recognition” from Thaipat Institute. on achievement of recognition for “SDG- Enhanced Sustainability Report 2016” in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that have been endorsed by United Nations members .
Certificate of Membership of Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC)
TISCO Financial Group, TISCO Bank, TISCO Securities and TISCO Asset Management received Certificate of Membership of Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC) presented by the CAC Council. The certificates were to encourage best practices in good governance, corporate social responsibility and anti-corruption and to promote good corporate citizenship among Thai companies.
Board of the Year - Exemplary Practices
TISCO Financial Group received “Board of the Year-Exemplary Practices” from Board of the Year Awards 2015, organized by Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) in collaboration with the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Thai Industries, the Thai Bankers’ Association, the Thai Listed Companies Association, and the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations, to recognize top performing boards of Thai listed companies for their effective operation and good corporate governance practices, based on five criteria: Board Policy, Board Members, Board Structure, Board Process, and Board Performance.
Audit Committee of the Year 2015
TISCO Financial Group received “Audit Committee of the Year” from Board of the Year Awards 2015, organized by Thai Institute of Directors Association in collaboration with six private sector organizations to honor the audit committee that perform their duties effectively in accordance with good governance practices and achieve top-five average scores on audit committee practices. TISCO Group has transparently operated its business according to corporate governance principles to protect the shareholders’ interests and to sustainably enhance business growth.
Board with Consistent Best Practices
TISCO Financial Group received “Board with Consistent Best Practices” from Board of the Year Awards 2015, organized every 2 years by Thai Institute of Directors Association in collaboration with six leading private sector organizations to honor boards of directors that have won the Board of the Year Awards for three consecutive times in 2011, 2013 until present as special recognition of their consistent best performance. TISCO Group has maintained its quality and efficiency standard and was bestowed such award for three consecutive times.
The Consumer Protection Thailand Call Center Award 2015
TISCO Financial Group received “The Consumer Protection Thailand Call Center Award 2015” from the Office of the Consumer Protection Board (OCPB) in cooperation with the Management System Certification Institute (Thailand) to honor the entrepreneurs having the outstanding services in effective consulting and managing consumer complaints in compliance with five standard provisions of OCPB. TISCO Contact Center has been awarded for 2 consecutive years reflecting its effort to provide the best service for the highest consumer satisfaction.
Best Securities Company Awards 2015
TISCO Securities received “Best Securities Company Awards – Retail Investors” from SET Awards 2015 organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand in collaboration with Money & Banking Magazine. This award was presented to the securities company possessing excellent brokerage and good service as well as having inclusively quality and diversified securities analysis based on quantitative and qualitative data from key performance areas. Moreover, the survey of clients and good practices of staff and company are also considered in the evaluation.
Outstanding Securities Company Awards 2015-Institutional Investors
TISCO Securities received “Best Securities Company Awards – Institutional Investors” in SET Awards 2015 organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand in collaboration with Money & Banking Magazine. This award was presented to the securities company possessing excellent brokerage and good service as well as having inclusively quality and diversified securities analysis based on quantitative and qualitative data from key performance areas. Moreover, the survey of clients and good practices of staff and company are also considered in the evaluation.
Outstanding Securities Company Awards - Retail Investors 2015
TISCO Securities received “Outstanding Securities Company Awards – Retail Investors 2015” from the SET Awards 2015, organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Money and Banking Magazine. The Award was presented to listed companies that achieve excellent performance. There were two areas of consideration: the outstanding ability and good service to operate as a broker and performance of securities analysis and qualified portfolio that has covered a wide range of securities based on quantitative and qualitative data on the key areas.
Top Bank in the Secondary Market, Corporate Bonds in Asian Local Currency Bonds Award 2015
TISCO Bank, as a provider of corporate bond Thai baht, received the first rank in “Top Bank in the Secondary Market, Corporate Bonds in Asian Local Currency Bonds” from the Asset Benchmark Research Awards Dinner 2015 held by The Asset Magazine according to the survey result of institutional investors using bond trading in Asia. TISCO has been trusted and voted from investors for this award for bond traders (private sector bonds) in Thailand.
NACC Integrity Awards 2013
TISCO Financial Group received “NACC Integrity Awards 2013” from the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). The award was given to TISCO in recognition to the company with corporate governance, integrity, transparency and equitable treatment to all stakeholders. The award was given to TISCO for 2nd consecutive year (2012 – 2013).
Excellence in Corporate Governance Report 2011 - 2014
TISCO Financial Group received “SET Award of Honor – Excellence in Corporate Governance Report 2011 – 2014” from the SET Awards 2014, organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Money and Banking Magazine. The Award was presented to listed companies with outstanding corporate governance reports from 3 consecutive years, considering information disclosed in the Annual Report, Annual Registration Statement (Form 56-1), AGM Notice to shareholders and AGM minutes. TISCO Group has received the award for 4th consecutive year (2011-2014), representing the company’s outstanding corporate governance reports.
Outstanding Securities Company Awards - Retail Investors
TISCO Securities received “Outstanding Securities Company Awards – Retail Investors 2014” from the SET Awards 2014, organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Money and Banking Magazine. The Award was presented to listed companies that achieve excellent performance. There were two areas of consideration: the outstanding ability and good service to operate as a broker and performance of securities analysis and qualified portfolio that has covered a wide range of securities based on quantitative and qualitative data on the key areas. The survey of clients and good practiced policy and guidelines by its staff are the areas of consideration. TISCO Securities has received this award for 3rd consecutive year (2012-2014).
Outstanding Securities Company Awards - Retail Investors
TISCO Securities received “Outstanding Securities Company Awards – Retail Investors 2014” from the SET Awards 2014, organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Money and Banking Magazine. The Award was presented to listed companies that achieve excellent performance. There were two areas of consideration: the outstanding ability and good service to operate as a broker and performance of securities analysis and qualified portfolio that has covered a wide range of securities based on quantitative and qualitative data on the key areas. The survey of clients and good practiced policy and guidelines by its staff are the areas of consideration. TISCO Securities has received this award for 3rd consecutive year (2012-2014).
Top Bank in the SecondaryMarket in Asia Currency Bonds for Corporate Bonds – Thailand 2014
TISCO Bank Public Company Limited received “Top Bank in the Secondary Market in Asian Currency Bonds for Corporate Bonds – Thailand 2014” award by The Asset Benchmark Research Awards 2014, The survey,voted by institutional investors across Asia, reflects TISCO’s high standard of sales services and its professional service of supply of bonds to institutional investors.
Board of The Year 2013
TISCO Financial Group received received 2 prestigious awards from “Board of the Year Awards 2013” ceremony, Board of the Year for Distinctive Practices and Audit Committee of the Year from the Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD), in collaboration with the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), The Thai Chamber of Commerce, The Federation of Thai Industries, the Thai Bankers Association and the Listed Companies Association. The award ceremony was held to honor the top performing boards of the SET listed companies and helped promote good corporate governance practice.
รางวัล Top Corporate Governance Report Awards 2013
บมจ. ทิสโก้ไฟแนนเชียลกรุ๊ป รับรางวัลเกียรติยศแห่งความสำเร็จ (SET Award of Honor) ด้าน บริษัทจดทะเบียนด้านการรายงานบรรษัทภิบาลดีเยี่ยม2556 (Top Corporate Governance Report Awards 2013) จากการประกาศผลรางวัล SET Awards 2013 ซึ่งจัดขึ้นโดยตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งประเทศไทย (ตลท.) และวารสารการเงินธนาคาร โดยรางวัลดังกล่าวเป็นรางวัลที่มอบให้แก่บริษัทจดทะเบียนที่รักษาความเป็นเลิศด้านการปฏิบัติตามหลักการกำกับดูแลกิจการที่ดีเป็นอันดับหนึ่งติดต่อกันเป็นเวลา 3 ปีติดต่อกัน โดยใช้ข้อมูลที่บริษัทจดทะเบียนเปิดเผยไว้ในแบบแสดงข้อมูลประจำปี (แบบ 56-1) รายงานประจำปี และเวบไซต์ รวมทั้งหนังสือนัดประชุมผู้ถือหุ้น และรายงานการประชุมผู้ถือหุ้น
Outstanding Securities Company Awards 2013 - Retail Investors
TISCO Securities received Outstanding Securities Company Awards 2013 – Retail Investors from the SET Awards 2013, organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Money and Banking Magazine. The Award was presented to listed companies that have excellent performance. There were two areas of consideration: the outstanding ability and good service to operate as a broker and performance of securities analysis and qualified portfolio that has covered a wide range of securities based on quantitative and qualitative data on the key areas. The survey of clients and good practiced policy and guidelines by its staff are the areas of consideration.
Outstanding Securities Company Awards 2013 - Institutional Investors
TISCO Securities received Outstanding Securities Company Awards 2013 – Institutional Investors from the SET Awards 2013, organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Money and Banking Magazine. The Award was presented to listed companies that have excellent performance. There were two areas of consideration: the outstanding ability and good service to operate as a broker and performance of securities analysis and qualified portfolio that has covered a wide range of securities based on quantitative and qualitative data on the key areas. The survey of clients and good practiced policy and guidelines by its staff are the areas of consideration.
Outstanding Investor Relations Awards 2013
TISCO Financial Group received Outstanding Investor Relations Awards 2013 from the SET Awards 2013 , organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Money and Banking Magazine. The Award was presented to listed companies that have excellent performance in investor relations